Thursday, June 10, 2010

How come I never knew about this?....

Let us address the contention that it is virtually impossible to faithfully observe the laws of shmirat halashon for more than a day or two:
Even if this were correct, is it reason enough to ignore this mitzvah? Imagine a person walking along the seashore, who sees that the sea has washed ashore precious gems. Would such a person-even if he were wealthy- refrain from picking up any gems because he knows it will be impossible to gather them all?

It is exactly the same regarding shmirat halashon. It is well known that the Vilna Gaon (in his famous letter) quotes the midrash which says that for each moment in which a person refrains from speaking the forbidden, he merits a hidden light that no angel can fathom. Note that the midrash does not speak of refraining from forbidden speech for a month, a week, or an hour-but for only a moment!
Scripture states: "if you will seek it like silver and hunt for it like hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of HASHEM, and knowledge of God you will find" (Mishlei 2:4-5). One must strive to attain spiritual goals in the way that he would seek the greatest valuables that this world has to offer. This is the intent of the statement, "do not distance yourself from a quality that is without limit." avoiding forbidden speech brings infinite merit; if we will only pursue this quality, and not tell ourselves that it is out of our reach, than we will have achieved that which no angel can fathom. Chofetz Chaim (Sefer Shmirat Halashon).

I intend to pursue this quality.


  1. Good post, Dan.

    One could apply the same argument to the whole Torah. One Christian argument against Torah is, "it is impossible to keep the Torah, so why try? Just trust in Jesus."

    The imagery of a man, even if wealthy, refusing to pick up the gems washed ashore could be likened to a man, even if righteous, refusing to keep God's commandments.

  2. Very astute observation Judah, thanks.

  3. Excellent post, Mr. Benzvi. Thanks for sharing!
