Friday, September 3, 2010

What next, Burkkas?

This is what we can look forward to in a future "Halacha Nation.",7340,L-3944617,00.html

Shabbat Shalom everyone.


  1. He further explained that the mekubalim used to subject themselves to flagellation during the Ten Days of Repentance for the purpose of atonement. He presented a whip made of ox and donkey skin and instructed to flog Yechiel 39 times while alluding to various Kabbalah issues. "He is receiving a new soul," Rabbi Mutzafi said.

    I thought that self-flagellation was more of a Catholic thing than a Jewish thing. Seems like this is some sort of minority sect in religious Judaism.

    Here's a clickable link to the article (we need to teach you and Gene some basic HTML).

  2. Interesting Dan. Ever heard of Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef? I would be interested on your take on him as well. I have been told he is controversial as well.

    Not trying to cause trouble, just wondering.


  3. James,

    O, please teach me how to do the clickable link. As Judah Gabriel will tell you, I am a complete computer illiterate.

  4. Just sent an email to your email address with the answer. Hope it helps.
